It’s no secret that we are living in the digital age of history. First came computers, then handheld devices, and now technology is so advanced, we don’t blink twice as we use it in almost every part of our daily lives. Seriously, when was the last day you went completely *unplugged*?

ChatGpt, or Conversational Graph-Based Pre-Trained Transformer, is a budding new technology that is completely transforming the way people use computers. This artificial intelligence (AI) program or AI picks up on natural language processing and machine learning to actually form interactive conversations with people. Remember that Disney movie “Smart House”? Well, they were definitely onto something. ChatGpt has the ability to understand the user and respond with relevant and useful information in a more natural way, resulting in… an actual conversation!

Learning ChatGpt can be an exciting look into our technology-driven future, but some have found it to be controversial. Will ChatGpt replace jobs? Will we all eventually be out of a job as we watch computers and AI run the world? Before panic ensues, let’s take a look at how ChatGpt is used today and how there is no way it’ll replace the human brain.


ChatGpt is a natural language processing technology that is able to generate human-like conversations. Unlike its AI predecessors, ChatGpt is specifically designed to dictate a natural and clear conversation. In other words, you don’t feel like you’re talking to a robot. You feel like you’re talking to another human being. ChatGPT is a dynamic new technology that can be used in a myriad of ways, such as:

  • Chatbots
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Natural Language Understanding Apps
  • Knowledge Graphs
  • Natural Language Generation


Although it could never replace the full scope of human capabilities, ChatGPT has a number of advantages that can be useful in the workplace. With its natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can understand the user’s intent and provide the most appropriate response. The AI-powered technology can both comprehend and respond to conversations with users in their own language. This helps to promote inclusivity, especially if your customers or users speak a different language than your own. 

ChatGPT is also a successful tool that can offer quality customer service. Customers can easily ask questions, get answers, and obtain information fast and at any time of the day or night, like addressing technical difficulties or issues with products or services. Businesses can save time and money while providing better customer service to their clientele. 

Furthermore, this AI technology is programmed to automate everyday mundane tasks, such as data entry. ChatGPT analyzes customer data and provides key insights that can be used to improve customer service and promote customer satisfaction. It can be beneficial in sales and marketing because it can be used to identify potential leads, provide personalized communication, and convert leads into customers. 


It sounds great, right? Well, before you start utilizing ChatGPT every hour of every day, it is important to comprehend that it has some major limitations. The capacity of ChatGPT to comprehend and interpret natural language is constrained. It does not have the capability to answer complicated queries or offer insightful commentary; it can only generate text based on the data that it is given. In addition to that, it struggles to respond in a meaningful way since it does not comprehend the tone, context, or sentiment of a conversation. This is much easier for humans to do. We are able to communicate with one another using specific tones, syntax, and empathy.

It is also challenging to properly understand the goal or meaning of a conversation because ChatGPT does not take into account the various nuances and intricacies of the human language. It most likey won’t be able to produce an appropriate response when presented with a difficult or abstract question due to its poor capacity to discern patterns and detect specific concepts. It most likely can’t understand metaphors or jokes, making it difficult for it to respond in a natural and humanistic way. 

Another issue that is very serious needs to be mentioned. If a company is using AI to write articles or information listed on its website, it should be very cautious about it. Google has the capability to find content that is produced by AI and flags that content as plagiarism. This causes a string of issues. Not only is plagiarism frowned upon, but it’s not good for SEO purposes. If your content is flagged, your SEO scores will suffer tremendously. 


We’ve already shown how ChatGPT can be useful for research and brainstorming. But is that enough to replace all the world’s copywriters? Short answer: no. It is still not advanced enough to provide the riveting and engaging content that copywriters create. Copywriters know how to create content that tells a story and captures the attention of the reader. They work to understand their target audience and adapt to different styles and tones by creating a voice that speaks directly to them. Copywriters are also experienced in SEO and social media marketing, which are essential for generating traffic and engagement. All that being said, AI can be helpful for creating basic content, but can not replace the creativity and skills of professional copywriters. 

ChatGPT is an awesome tool that has many wonderful skills such as creating conversations and generating responses in a conversational setting. However, we don’t see it taking over our jobs, so don’t worry! It doesn’t carry the same engaging and humanistic qualities that copywriters have naturally. If you’re looking for some help with your business, turn away from AI technology and hire Influence Digital Solutions, where we’re real people creating real content.

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