Author - Sabrina Shore


Undoubtedly, social media is an incredible platform for businesses and the digital marketing opportunities are endless. However, in today’s world, social media should be more focused on businesses strengthening their relationships with their followers and providing inspiration, instead of blatantly selling products. Businesses need to understand that success via social...

Conquer 2021 With Advanced PR Services From Influence Digital Solutions

In the aftermath of COVID, Influence Digital Solutions is here to provide a strategically cultivated solution: our new Advanced PR Services. In this exciting addition to our Web Media and Social Media services, Influence Digital Solutions is here to offer your business everything it needs to find enormous success in...

Help Older Loved Ones Stay Connected: New Training For Seniors

Although the vaccine rollout has begun, our world is still bracing for a continued stretch of more social distancing, mask-wearing, and fist bumps with friends and family. Many companies and schools remain online, and socializing is still mostly reserved for video calls. Needless to say, the population most affected by...